Thursday, March 26, 2009

Glucosamine better alternative than ibuprofen!

Research finds glucosamine as effective as ibuprofen for treating TMJ pain

At a Glance

Research published in the Journal of Rheumatology compared the effects and benefits of glucosamine sulfate and ibuprofen in patients diagnosed with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) osteoarthritis. The temporomandibular joint or the joint of the jaw is frequently referred to as TMJ.

Read more about this study below.

USANA.comThe randomized double-blind study included 45 adults that received either glucosamine sulfate at 1,500 mg per day or ibuprofen at 1,200 mg per day for 90 days. Assessments included: TMJ pain with function, pain-free, and voluntary maximum mouth opening, Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) questionnaire, and masticatory (chewing) muscle tenderness. Tests were performed at the beginning and at day 90. Acetaminophen (500 mg) given for breakthrough pain was counted every 30 days to Day 120.

Positive clinical responses were seen in 71% of the glucosamine sulfate group and 61% of the ibuprofen group. Patients taking glucosamine sulfate had a significantly greater decrease in TMJ pain with function, effect of pain, and acetaminophen used between Day 90 and 120 compared with patients taking ibuprofen.

Glucosamine sulfate and ibuprofen both reduced pain levels in patients with TMJ degenerative joint disease, but in this group of patients glucosamine sulfate had a significantly greater influence in reducing both pain produced during function and effect of pain with daily activities. Researchers also noted that glucosamine sulfate had a carryover effect.

J Rheumatology 2001 Jun;28(6):1347-55.

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